Monday, March 25, 2013

When Can You Get Pregnant

when can you get pregnant, can you get pregnant during your period, can you get pregnant while on your period, can you get pregnant after ovulationSome couples find it easy to imagine, but the opposite is true for many others. We ask the question: when can you get pregnant? If only you knew the answer to this question, you will be able to improve your chances of getting pregnant quickly.

A woman becomes pregnant when a male sperm fertilizes the egg hits and released from its ovary. Sounds easy, but can be difficult in reality. A woman is most fertile for only a few 2 or 3 days in her menstrual cycle. Therefore, if you want to get pregnant quickly, it is useful to know the time of ovulation and make sure that you engage in a lot of sex in this period.

Engaged in sexual relations of about 2 to 3 days before, during and after ovulation is the most excellent when you can get pregnant. Therefore, it is relevant to know when ovulation will take place next. Talking about sex before ovulation, it should be noted that the male sperm has the ability to stay alive in a woman's body for about 5 to 7 days. To the extent that the sperm are still alive when the egg is released there are chances that you may become pregnant.

Determine your ovulation date can be a bit difficult due to the fact that some changes may occur due to factors such as disease and stress. For most women, it normally takes place on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, counting the onset of menstruation as the first day. However, this is not correct for women. Ovulation can occur on the 11 through 21 ° a number of women.

Apparently, some women use an ovulation kit to determine their ovulation day. An ovulation kit examines the urine and determine your ovulation days based on hormones shown. Your hormone levels and the temperature will gradually increase as you approach ovulation. You can also take note of the structure and regularity of your mucus. It is typically dry and sticky at the start of your monthly cycle when you are not fertile. cervical mucus becomes wet and slippery as ovulation approaches.

You should engage in sexual intercourse a few days before your ovulation days, during the time of ovulation adequate, and then. This is the best and most appropriate time when you can get pregnant.

when can you get pregnant, can you get pregnant during your period, can you get pregnant while on your period, can you get pregnant after ovulation

How To Get Pregnant Fast Click Here !


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