most fertile period of the woman is in the process of ovulation your menstrual cycle. The time of ovulation is when the mature egg is released from the follicle to the uterus. The egg remains in the uterus for 12 hours before it begins to degenerate. When can you get pregnant? During the period of ovulation, of course.
To find out the most fertile time of the cycle, you have to pay attention to how your body works and react. Spot the physical symptoms of ovulation to know the best time to get pregnant.
If you have a regular menstrual cycle period of 28 days, it is easier to determine when you can get pregnant the most likely. All you have to do is count the days. After the menstrual period, account for 14 days. This is your time of ovulation. So, to have sex during the 12th to 15th day. You can use an online calculator ovulation period to determine the best time to have sex for months to come.
A woman can also observe her vaginal flow to see if its ovulation has begun. Ovulation causes a change in the substance of the cervical mucus, vaginal secretion. During ovulation the discharge will seem the consistency of raw eggs, compared to a consistency more watery occurs before ovulation.
Take your temperature every morning when you wake up and get out of bed. Record every day and once your body temperature rises to a half a degree, you have ovulated.
You can buy a home ovulation predictor kit. These tests detect the luteinizing hormone or LH. Once the LH levels increases, states that are at your most fertile phase.
See your gynecologist to determine the time of ovulation and ask them when you can get pregnant. Ask them for suggestions and additions on how to increase the chances of fertility in order to create a family of your choice.
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